Mother Didn't Know / Mor visste Ingenting / Mati ni vedela

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Mother Didn’t Know / Mor visste Ingenting
Anita Killi (TROLLFILM AS)
2020, Norway, 11’17

A poetic fable about a young depressed girl. Someone who wants to stay invisible, cares about her and tries to help by sacrificing a part of himself.

Poetična basen o mladi depresivni deklici. Nekdo, ki želi ostati neviden, skrbi zanjo in skuša žrtvovati del sebe.

Technique: Puppet animation, Cut-out animation, This is a hybrid film with a mix of cutout and puppet animation into one figure. Mostly all on a multiplan-glass table.

Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: no

Script: Marianne Bundgaard Nielsen and Anita Killi
Music: Zbigniew Preisner Animation: Jens J Gulliksen
Photo: Morten Skallerud Sound: Håkon Lammetun Production & Distribution: TROLLFILM AS (Anita Killi, Marita Mayer)

Anita Killi

She studied illustration and graphic design at the Norwegian National College of Art & Design, animation and documentary filmmaking at the Volda University College , Oslo National Academy of the Arts with the equivalent of a masters-degree, majoring in animation (multiplan technique). Killi has since established and runs her own animation studio, Trollfilm AS. Her film Tornehekken (The Hedge of Thorns) has received numerous international awards, and was nominated for Cartoon d'Or. Her film Sinna mann (Angry man) garnered even more critical acclaim and has been shown at an even wider selection of festivals, and has won numerous audience, Best Film and Grand Prix' awards.

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ISMC3Guest User2020