Shallow Vein / Плитка Вена (Plitka vena) / Plitva vena
Shallow Vein / Плитка Вена (Plitka vena) / Plitva vena
Yoana Alexandrova (Compote Collective)
2019, BUL, 6’23
A man is on a mysterious journey through the vein of his beloved one and while he witnesses her inner world, he experiences his deepest dreams and longings. Based on the poem “Shallow vein” by Marin Bodakov, a part of the animation poetry collection Mark and Verse.
Moški je na skrivnostnem potovanju po žili svoje ljubljene in medtem ko je priča njenemu notranjemu svetu, izkusi svoje najgloblje sanje in hrepenenja. Animacija temelji na istoimenski pesmi Marina Podakova, ki je del animirane pesniške zbirke Mark and Verse.
Technique: Clay animation
Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: yes
Script: Yoana Alexandrova
Adapted from the poem by Marin Bodakov of the same title.
Music: Alexander Daniel, Bigbanda Soundscapers
Animation: Yoana Alexandrova Production & Distribution: Compote Collective (Vessela Dantcheva)
Yoana Alexandrova
Born in 1987; graduated BFA from New Bulgarian University in 2010. Then she continued her education in Animation at Edinburgh University, UK and graduated MA in 2013. Since then she has worked as a freelance illustrator, animator and director. She creates unique porcelain jewellery from her own brand “Porcelain Creatures”.