Little Hilly


Little Hilly / 《山川壯麗》 (Shan Tuan Chuan Lee)
Huang Yun-Hsien, Liao Pei-Yu (TurnRhino Original Design Studio)
2020, Taiwan, 18’46

Hilly is a 10-year-old silent Taiwanese girl, nobody was concerned about her depression and the pressure she suffered from everyday life. Hilly hates that she always oppresses herself, and also hates the world controlled by adults. What does Hilly really want to speak out to the adults?

Hilly je molčeča 10-letna Tajvanka. Nikogar ne skrbi njena depresija in pritisk, ki ga čuti v vsakdanjem življenju. Hilly sovraži, da se vedno zatira in sovraži tudi svet, ki ga nadzirajo odrasli. Kaj želi Hilly v resnici povedati odraslim?

Technique: Puppet animation

Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: yes

Script: Yun-Hsien Huang
Music: Emma Shih, Ming-Yo Hsieh, Hao-Lun Huang
Animation: Yu Yu, Yi-Chin Tsai, Jing-Yi Low, Pei-Yu Liao, Zhi-Zhong Tang Sound
Design/ Foley: David Chen、Carlos Rodriguez Production & Distribution: TurnRhino
Original Design Studio (Zhi-Zhong Tang)

Huang Yun-Hsien

Born 1982 into a craftsman's family in Changhua, Taiwan. Hsien started selling her dough at temple when she was a child. After graduating, she ran her original brand in the Creative Product Market with her unique modeling ability and dough-crafting skills. She realized that characters should not only have the delicate model but also the story and mental impression. Hsien believes that the stop- motion animation and dough-crafting both emphasize on the unique hand-made spirit. She hopes to show the different expressions of the declining traditional culture.

Liao pei-yu廖珮妤.jpg
Huang Yun-Hsien黃勻弦B.jpg
ISMC2Guest User2020