StopTrik AD-HOC LAB.


PIN-MOTION with Piotr Chmielewski

25. & 26. 9. 2024 between 16.00 and 19.00 / public spaces

This year we are introducing a new profile of short and concise intergenerational workshops, each year led by an internationally renowned animator. We will prepare a condensed two-day workshop for which you will only need enthusiasm for stop motion animation, your phone (with a camera, a smart one) and six precious hours of time during the busy StopTrik Festival schedule. Since some theories of creativity suggest that the best solutions require a group of brainiacs of different ages, we have decided to accept participants aged 10+ and up to 100 years old. No previous knowledge required.

This workshop will have two parts - an experimental one and an even more experimental one. During the first part, we will learn how to build a photo camera with trash (mainly soda drink cans), how to take photos with these cameras, how to develop these photos in a darkroom and how to digitize them and edit them on the computer. We will discover the fascinating world of pinhole photography as well as talk about the paths to continue this beautiful adventure. Finally, we will try to make stop motion animation with our own pinhole cameras. During this part of the workshop, we will reflect on the question of why there are more people who walked on the moon than people who made stop motion animation with self-made pinhole cameras.

It is possible to attend for only one day but if you want to stay from Wednesday to Thursday you're more than welcome!

Piotr Chmielewski

is a stop motion animation autodidact who dedicated his knowledge and skills to raise social issues with visual materials. He does campaign animations for various non-governmental organizations and he made his first steps as an art-house film director by directing the well-received film Crab (2022).

Plac​​es are limited. Applications are being accepted at

The workshop is organized by Pekarna Magdalenske mreže and Film Factory and co-financed by Slovenian Film Centre and Maribor Municipality.

Kaja Fiedler