Echoes of Grief / Odmevi žalovanja


Verena Repar (University of Applied Arts in Vienna)
2023, Austria, 19'

Portraying the personal experience of fatal loss, it takes us on a journey through phantasmagoric realms, oscillating between shadow and light, past and present, sorrow and solace.

Osebna izkušnja usodne izgube nas popelje na potovanje po fantazmagoričnih sferah, ki nihajo med senco in svetlobo, preteklostjo in sedanjostjo, žalostjo in tolažbo.

Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: 2D, 3D, AI-assisted


Music: Lan Sticker, Bernhard Hadriga, Thomas Liesinger 
Sound: Haris Kahriman


Verena Repar

is a transdisciplinary visual artist, finding comfort in the consistent interaction between color and form. A synesthetic visual canon is part of her graphic vocabulary. She studies in the graphic design department at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. As a freelancer, she works for private clients and agencies.

Natalija Bračko