The Crow / Vrana


Glenn Marshall (Michael O'Neill)
2021, UK, 3'5''

Artificial intelligence is used to transform a dancer into a crow. Winner of Cannes Short Film Festival.

Z uporabo umetne inteligence se plesalec spremeni v vrano. Zmagovalec festivala kratkih filmov v Cannesu.

Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Live-action, AI-assisted

Based on the short film Painted by Duncan McDowall and Dorotea Saykaly


Music: Erik Satie, performed by Romi Kopelman


Glenn Marshall

His professional career in computer animation spans over 20 years, seeing him utilize experimental CGI, generative and AI technologies to pursue a philosophical vision of tomorrow’s digital art. He is a recipient of the Major Individual Award from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, their highest recognition given to leading artists in the country, and also a Prix Ars Electronica winner, a Lumen Prize finalist, and has collaborated with Peter Gabriel and Tangerine Dream on music videos and concert visuals. His latest film The Crow screened at the 2022 Cleveland International Film Festival—possibly the first AI animation to get into a major film festival.

Natalija Bračko