Celine Pham (FH OÖ – Campus Hagenberg)
2023, Austria, 3'10''

LUCID explores human-AI collaboration and highlights its challenges, particularly in animation, dance and sound.

LUCID raziskuje sodelovanje med človekom in umetno inteligenco ter izpostavlja njegove izzive, zlasti na področju animacije, plesa in zvoka.

Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Computer animation, Live Action, Drawing and Painting, AI-generated imagery


Script, Animation, Edit: Celine Pham 
Music, Composition, Sound: Sara Trawöger 
Additional Crew: Shuya Wang, Naho Takeda, Andressa Miyazato


Celine Pham

is a student at the University of Applied Arts Upper Austria in Wels.

Natalija Bračko