Tulipomania: Shines On


Cheryl Gelover, Tom Murray (Tulipomania)
2024, USA, 3'10''

A light from long ago shines on in this paean to ambiguity and endurance.

Svetloba iz davnine še naprej sveti v tej hvalnici nejasnosti in vzdržljivosti.


Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Object animation, Collage, pastel on paper


Script, Animation, Music: Cheryl Gelover, Tom Murray
Distribution: Tulipomania



Described as ‘artistic and inventive’ and ‘gorgeous,' music videos animated by Tulipomania have been featured in film festivals worldwide. Tulipomania have alternately been categorized as ‘cult synth punks,’ ‘glam-leaning,’ ‘post-punk,'  ‘art-rock’ and ‘muscular chamber pop’. While band members Tom Murray (lead vocals, synthesizers, digital percussion) and Cheryl Gelover (synthesizers, background vocals) enjoy deciphering efforts to categorize their sound, they decline to offer a specific label of their own. The two first found themselves collaborating on projects for experimental film and animation classes – Tulipomania evolved from those experiences.

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Natalija Bračko