Bergamot (Buddha’s Hand) / Fo Shou, 佛手 /Bergamotka (Budova roka)


Yanqi Liang (Dongyu Culture Media)
2023, China, 6'37''

"Bergamot", also translated as "Buddha's hand", explores the binary mother-daughter relationship as it shifts as it grows. Buddha's hand and hand are similar but different, opposites but compatible, referring to the mother-daughter relationship, resembling but refusing to resemble, contradicting but adhering to each other, separating but connecting.

»Bergamotka«, v prevodu tudi »Budova roka«, raziskuje binarni odnos med materjo in hčerko, ki se z rastjo spreminja. Budova roka in roka sta si podobni, a različni, nasprotni, a združljivi, navezujoč se na odnos med materjo in hčerko, sta si podobni, a si nočeta biti podobni, si nasprotujeta, a se držita druga druge, se ločujeta, a se povezujeta.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: 2D digital print and thread sewing on fabric


Script: Yanqi Liang
Animation: Yanqi Liang
Music: france_lion


Yanqi Liang

is an animation director, illustrator and educator. Her works have been screened and exhibited at several international film festivals and exhibitions. Her works mainly focus on exploring the sensory experience in intercultural female relationships through painting, video and other media.

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Natalija Bračko