All Of You / Vso tebe


Jan Klug (University of Applied Arts Upper Austria)
2024, Austria, 6'20''

A young woman is being followed home. By the time she realizes it’s not a stalker at all, but someone lounging for her demise, they have already intruded her home.

Mladi ženski sledijo domov. Preden spozna, da sploh ne gre za zasledovalca, temveč za nekoga, ki si želi njenega propada, je ta že v njenem domu.


Language: German
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation, Clay animation


Script: Jan Klug
Animation: Jan Klug, Elisa Hackl, Viktoria Heng, Stephanie Auer


Jan Klug

(*2001, Linz, Austria) is currently studying Digital Arts at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus. His work largely focuses on the relationship between viewer and film inside the horror genre.

Natalija Bračko