Moving Parts / Premični deli


Hugo Docking (Spare Flesh)
2024, UK, 3'07''

In a surreal, industrial dystopia, a travelling salesman encounters a singing behemoth. This towering, two-headed monstrosity tempts him with a terrifying (but lucrative) proposition.

V nadrealistični industrijski distopiji se trgovski potnik sreča s pojočo pošastjo. Ta velikanska dvoglava pošast ga mami z grozljivim (a donosnim) predlogom.


Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation


Script: Hugo Docking
Animation: Pip Denning, Hugo Docking
Music: Henry Blackaller
Lead Puppet-Maker and Fabricator: Erin Hilsdon
Maker & Fabricator: Mike Docking
Storyboard and Animatic Artist: Conor Mullin
Producer: Hugo Docking


Hugo Docking

is a stop motion filmmaker with a penchant for the mischievous and macabre. He uses unsettling imagery, dark humour and unusual materials to create short films that are eerie, theatrical, twisted and bizarre.

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Natalija Bračko