You Are the Truck and I Am the Deer / Ti si tovornjak in jaz sem jelen


Max Ferguson (LUCA School of Arts)
2023, Belgium, 5'07''

Emotional wounds are visually translated into a physical and pulsing presence that represents a dark and unsettling image of femininity. The film conveys a sense of wandering, insatiable hunger. It explores the knife’s edge between decay and growth; the fertile potential for total destruction.

Čustvene rane so vizualno prenesene v fizično in utripajočo prisotnost, ki predstavlja temno in zaskrbljujočo podobo ženskosti. Film govori o občutku tavajoče, nenasitne lakote. Raziskuje tanko mejo med razkrojem in rastjo ter ploden potencial za popolno uničenje.


Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Object animation, Cut-out animation


Script: Max Ferguson
Animation: Max Ferguson
Music: Seppe Indigne


Max Ferguson

is a Brussels-based artist from Hong Kong who uses the curatorial as a basket to hold her various interests. With her practice and foundations firmly rooted in the audiovisual arts, in recent years, she has branched out into writing and exhibition-making in the contemporary arts. This blurring of lines between techniques, forms and disciplines is a binding element within Ferguson's constellation of work. Ferguson's most recent film, You Are the Truck and I Am the Deer (premiere at Annecy Festival), is an experimental hybrid film blending poetry and animation. Ferguson also strongly sees the need for community in the arts and so started the cinema collective LuCi which offers community-building encounters with the moving image in all its forms. Ferguson holds a Masters of Audiovisual Arts - Animation from LUCA School of Arts Brussels and is graduating from the Curatorial Studies post-graduate programme at KASK Gent with the exhibition Grains of Sands like Mountains at Kunsthal Gent.

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Natalija Bračko