Swifts / Piiritajad / Hudourniki


Ada Napiórkowski (EKA Estonian Academy of Arts)
2024, Estonia, 5''

Like every year, the swifts are returning to their homes in the "sleeping districts". This time, however, they find no humans. The space is filled with spirits.

Tako kot vsako leto se tudi letos hudourniki vračajo na svoje domove v spalnih naseljih. Vendar tokrat ne najdejo nobenega človeka. Prostor je poln duhov.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Photocopies manipulation


Music and sound design: Natalia Wójcik 
In dialogue with Aggie Pak Yee Lee
Distribution: EKA Estonian Academy of Arts


Ada Napiórkowski

is a multidisciplinary Designer and Animation Director. She started her creative journey in graphic design and has over a decade of work experience in creative industries. In 2020, she enrolled on a Master’s program in Animation at the Estonian Academy of Arts, effectively shifting her focus towards animated film and cinema. Her style is perhaps best described as mysterious, dark and minimal. Originally from Poland, she lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia.

See more https://www.napiorkowski.xyz/

Natalija Bračko