Being Is Negative / Biti je negativno


Sun Xun (π animation studio)
2023, China, 4'30''

Buddhism is not spiritualism as it is commonly understood by people. In fact, Buddhism emphasizes illusion. All things that can be perceived, including thoughts, in the world are illusions and only the self-nature is the real noumenon.

Budizem ni spiritualizem, kot ga ljudje običajno razumejo. Pravzaprav budizem poudarja iluzijo. Vse stvari, ki jih lahko v svetu zaznavamo, vključno z mislimi, so iluzije, resnično sebstvo pa je le samobitnost.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Pixilation, Printing, Live-action


Script: Sun Xun
Animation: Sun Xun, Yu Yanping, Zhao Liang, Xu Chong


Sun Xun

was born in 1980 in Fuxin in Liaoning province, China. He graduated in 2005 from the Print-making Department of the China Academy of Art. In 2006 he established π Animation Studio. He currently lives and works in Beijing. As a representative artist in the Chinese new media art, Sun Xun established π Animation Studio in 2006 after graduating from China Academy of Art, and soon received recognition from exhibitions and awards both domestic and abroad. His animation works have been nominated by both Berlin International Film Festival and Venice Film festival. Sun Xun’s personal visual language consist of metaphoric imagery, dark and intense hand drawing, and dreamy narrative. In recent years, Sun Xun uses New Media Art as a point of origin to explore more possibilities within the expansive realm of visual art: he explores narrative methods using diverse mediums such as newspaper, book, woodcut print, Chinese ink, pigment powder, probe into non-linear expressions of time and space, and inquire into both realistic and fantastical representations based on his own understanding of society and sociological theories.

Selected Works include:
Magic of Atlas (2018-Now),
Being is Negative (2023),
Shanghai in the Spring (2022),
Tears of Chiwen (2017),
Protestant (2017),
Time Spy (2016),
Mythological Time
The Time Vivarium (2014),
What Happen in Past Dragon Year
Magician Party and Dead Crow (2013),
Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined Yet in the Revolution (2011),
Clown's Revolution (2010),
21 Ke (2010),
People's Republic of Zoo (2009),
New China (2008),
Coal Spell (2008),
Requiem (2007),
Heroes No Longer (2007),
Mythos (2006),
Lie of Magician (2005),
A war about Chinese words

Natalija Bračko