Charalambos Margaritis (Kimonos Animation Studio)
2024, Cyprus, 16'

On the 20th of July 1974, the Turkish army invaded the island of Cyprus and one third of it has been under military occupation ever since. To this day the trauma of 1974 and the subsequent ongoing occupation defines Cypriot society and shapes its political and social landscape.

20. julija 1974 je turška vojska vdrla na otok Ciper in od takrat dalje je tretjina otoka pod vojaško okupacijo. Travma iz leta 1974 in kasnejša okupacija še danes zaznamujeta ciprsko družbo ter oblikujeta njeno politično in družbeno pokrajino.


Language: English, Greek
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Traditional 2D animation and tradigital (2D animation on pen display) combined with 3D computer generated elements


Script: Charalambos Margaritis
Animation: Charalambos Margaritis
Music: Charalambos Margaritis
Sound Mixing: Christos Panagos


Charalambos Margaritis

is a visual artist, animation director and researcher from Paphos, Cyprus. He is a graduate of the National Superior Fine Arts School of Paris. He currently lives and works in Paphos, where, in 2015, he co-founded Kimonos Animation Studio, which specializes in the production and coproduction of animated films, many of which have been selected and awarded in several animated film festivals around the world. He is currently teaching animation and art history at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology. He is also conducting his PhD research in experimental narrative techniques in animated film.

See more ch-margaritis.com

Natalija Bračko