Families' Albums / Albums de familles / Družinski albumi


Moïa Jobin-Paré
2023, Canada, 8'22''

Photographic images, scenes of everyday life. When connected, a new landscape emerges.

Fotografske podobe, prizori iz vsakdanjega življenja. Ko jih povežemo, nastane nova pokrajina.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Cut-out animation, Engraving on film, Other: Experimental animated short made up of recuperated images, all from photographic and analog sources, not initially intended to follow one another in form or content. The raw materials are analog photographs from a bank of several hundred images of different types, formats, eras and qualities. Using dotted lines, scratches, perforations, light effects, patterns and repeated lines, my work transforms reality by manipulating and modifying by hand a multitude of existing images, fixed and heterogeneous, in order to create new ones, somewhere between photography, drawing and engraving, between figuration and abstraction, moving from the fixed image to the moving image.


Script: Moïa Jobin-Paré
Animation: Moïa Jobin-Paré
Producer: Moïa Jobin-Paré
Distribution: La Distributrice de Films


Moïa Jobin-Paré

Filmmaker at the crossroads of animation and photography, she has produced since 2015 a multidisciplinary creation dedicated to the contemporary image and its hybrid forms and which brings together practices she is fond of: moving image, pictorial work, analog and digital technologies and sound. She has developed and honed techniques of scratching silver processed photographs, which she now exhibits and uses to create original short films.

See more https://www.ladistributrice.ca/en/films/families-albums

Natalija Bračko