The Wild-Tempered Clavier / Divje uglašeni klavir


Anna Samo
2024, Germany, 7'22''

Play: both a verb and a noun - and despite the world’s disasters, an artist insists on both. A story told through a filmmaker’s art that is inspired by Bach’s timeless music and painted on rolls of toilet paper in an homage to the tradition of painting directly on 35 mm film.

Igra: tako glagol kot samostalnik in kljub svetovnim katastrofam umetnik vztraja pri obeh. Zgodba, ki jo pripoveduje filmski ustvarjalec skozi svojo umetnost je navdihnjena z Bachovo brezčasno glasbo in naslikana na zvitkih toaletnega papirja v poklon tradiciji slikanja neposredno na 35-milimetrski film.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Object animation, Pixilation, painting on toilet paper


Animation: Anna Samo
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach


Anna Samo

was born in Moscow, studied animation at HFF Konrad Wolf in Potsdam and is currently based in New York. As an independent filmmaker she uses a variety of analog animation techniques to create emotional and poetic work. Her most recent films OBON, The Opposites Game and Conversations with a Whale were screened and awarded at film festivals around the world.

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Natalija Bračko