The Pearl: Let's Make Peace / Morvarid: Bia Ashti Konim / Biser: pobotajva se


Abdollah Alimorad (Soureh Cinema Organization)
2023, Iran, 6'

Two neighbors find a pearl in the heart of a caught fish, but because each of them wants to take it, they both lose it.

Dva soseda najdeta biser v srcu ujete ribe, a ker si ga vsak od njiju želi vzeti, ga oba izgubita.


Language: None
Technique: Clay animation


Script: Abdollah Alimorad
Animation: Abdollah Alimorad, Mohamadrahim Bakhtiari, Alireza Owji, Amirhisein Alimorad, Behzad Hatef
Music: Abas Dabirdanesh


Abdullah Alimorad

born in 1947, Tehran, a graduate of Animated Painting from the Center for Experiences and Animated Painting Training Center for Children and Adolescents. He began his artistic career after spending a short period of puppetry in Czechia. He has also worked as a costume designer and set designer on several television series and some television programs.

Natalija Bračko