Abubilla / Smrdokavra


Rafael Vidal, Julián Gómez (MINUSCULO animation)
2023, Spain, 2'4''

Abubilla is a bird who lives happily with all the animals in the Maravilla forest. But one day his environment is threatened by the hand of man and he talks to the moon so that together they can sow life into his world.

Smrdokavra je ptič, ki živi srečno z vsemi živalmi v gozdu Maravilla. Toda nekega dne njegovo okolje ogrozi človek, zato se pogovori z luno, da bi skupaj zasejala življenje v njegov svet.


Language: Spanish
Technique: Puppet animation, Other: Puppets and props makes with paper and colored by water colors.


Script: Rafael Vidal
Animation: Julián Gómez
Music: Ajayu Dúo


Rafael Vida

Licensed in fine Arts. He possesses skills such as composition, sculpture, drawing, digital painting, digital sculpture, character modeling, character design, 3D modeling, as well as photography and lighting. The stop motion technique requires having a multitude of knowledge and skills to be able to fully address a project of this type and solve the continuous problems that arise in its production process, from conception to final post-production.


Julián Gómez

Passionate about animation, he specializes in stop motion animation at Ars Animation School in Madrid. His skills are mainly stop motion animation using cut-outs, objects, puppets or humans, but also 2D or 3D animation. He has skill with drawing, sculpture, painting, ... both analog and digital. And that ease with DIY, craftsmanship and technology, so necessary in stop motion to solve any problem and carry out this type of projects.


Natalija Bračko