Claws Worm Hunt / Pandža lovi gliste / Krempljev lov na črve


Katrin Novaković (Nikša Marinović, Katrin Novaković)
2023, Croatia, 3'25''

It's a rainy day and there are just too many worms to sleep peacefully. But that's no problem! Claw the cat is going on the hunt and his good old friend Rain Bird comes to the rescue.

Deževen dan je in črvov je preveč, da bi lahko mirno spali. Toda to ni problem! Maček Krempelj se odpravi na lov, na pomoč pa mu priskoči njegova stara dobra prijateljica rdečeprsa kukavica.


Language: English
Technique: Puppet animation, Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Clay animation, Pixilation, Cut-out animation


Script: Nikša Marinović
Animation: Katrin Novaković
Music: Rokambol
Puppet making: Alma Mimica
Title design: Martin Peranović
Distribution: Katrin Novakovič


Katrin Novaković

graduated from the Academy of Arts in Split, Department of Film and Video, and obtained a master's degree in Animated Film and New Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. After completing her studies, she works as a freelancer and collaborates frequently with other visual artists and musicians, making music videos and doing live visual performances. She mainly works in the technique of stop-motion animation, often combining it with other media, experimenting with various materials and methods of creation.

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Natalija Bračko