Kukeleku / Kikiriki


Jelle Janssen (Aardman Academy)
2024, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, 3'04''

After discovering a squeaky toy, the voiceless rooster Nugget fakes his crow to claim the throne, but soon realizes that power isn't as fulfilling as he imagined.

Ko petelin brez glasu Nugget odkrije piskajočo igračo, uprizori kikirikanje, da bi zasedel prestol, vendar kmalu ugotovi, da oblast ni tako izpolnjujoča, kot si je predstavljal.


Language: None
Technique: Puppet animation, Cut-out animatio


Script: Jelle Janssen
Animation: Jelle Janssen
Music: NOZEM Audio: Jeroen Jaspers, Bas van Win


Jelle Janssen

After co-directing the 2D animated short film Cliffhanger and pursuing a master's degree in Stop-Motion Animation at the BAU Design College of Barcelona, I further honed my skills at the Aardman Academy in Bristol. There, I developed my stop-motion short film Kukeleku, blending my passion for both 2D and stop-motion animation.

See more https://www.instagram.com/kukeleku_film/ https://academy.aardman.com/

Natalija Bračko