subotopic / podtop


Nikki Schuster (Fiesfilm)
2023, Austria, Germany, 7'

Diving deeper and deeper, existing parallel worlds become visible underwater and new utopias are created. Above and below, inside and outside dissolve. A dive into a mystical underwater world where reality and utopia meet.

Z vse globljimi potopi se pod vodo razkrivajo obstoječi vzporedni svetovi in nastajajo nove utopije. Zgoraj in spodaj, znotraj in zunaj se zabriše. Potop v mistični podvodni svet, kjer se srečata resničnost in utopija.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Pixilation, Fotosequences


Animation: Nikki Schuster
Music: Nikki Schuster
Soundmix: Sebastian Müller
Distribution: sixpack


Nikki Schuster

The animation film and sound artist Nikki Schuster, born in Austria 1974, lives and works in Berlin. In 2001 she found her animation label "Fiesfilm". Her award-winning films have been screened at numerous international film festivals such as the Sundance Filmfestival 2019, Anifilm Trebon (Best Non-narrative and Experimental Film), the 2017 Tricky Women (Best Austrian Animated Film), the Crossing Europe Linz 2019 (Innovative Award), the Berlinale Generation 2012, as well as in exhibitions.

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Natalija Bračko