Electronic Insects / Elektronski insekti


Keum-Taek Jung
2023, USA, 1'30''

The energetic imagery outlines the connection between nature and abstraction. The expression of geometric abstraction is revealed in the interlaced patterns and colors to represent the features of insects.

Energične podobe poudarjajo povezavo med naravo in abstrakcijo. Izraz geometrijske abstrakcije se kaže v prepletenih vzorcih in barvah, ki predstavljajo značilnosti žuželk.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Object animation


Director, Animation, Sound Design, Editing: Keum-Taek Jung


Keum-Taek Jung

The interdisciplinary artist Keum-Taek Jung teaches graphic design at Mississippi State University. He received an MFA in Computer Animation from Rochester Institute of Technology, having previously studied Visual Communication at Iowa State University. His films have been showcased at international festivals and museums. He has a keen interest in experimental animation that explores abstraction and the transformation of symbolism. Currently, he is engaged in the UI/UX design of an application.

Natalija Bračko