

Zhen Li (California Institute of the Arts)
2022, USA, 6'36''

A crush gone moldy…

Splesnela zaljubljenost …


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), time-laps


Script: Zhen Li
Animation: Zhen Li
Music: Marc Riordan
Distribution: Zhen Li


Zhen Li

is a Chinese-born animation artist, with an MFA in experimental animation from California Institute of the Arts. She worked years as an architectural designer and live-action line producer before she started making animation. Her work centers around expressing the in-between, and often ruminates over themes of intimacy and misalignment.

See more https://www.instagram.com/nakatalii/

Natalija Bračko