Evanescence / Bežnost


Mare Šuljak (Kinoklub Zagreb)
2023, Croatia, 3'32''

A reflection on death and transience from the perspective of those left behind. A search for identity in an ever-changing world, whose future itself is increasingly uncertain. Death enforces the awareness of the inexorable nature of transience.

Razmišljanje o smrti in minljivosti z vidika tistih, ki so ostali. Iskanje identitete v nenehno spreminjajočem se svetu, katerega prihodnost je vse bolj negotova. Smrt prisili zavedanje o neizprosni naravi minljivosti.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: 2D digital animation, object replacement animation


Script: Mare Šuljak
Animation: Mare Šuljak
Music: Jeronim Jandrić
Distribution: Mare Šuljak


Mare Šuljak

is a multimedia artist from Dubrovnik, Croatia. She holds an MA in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) and the Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU). Her work was presented at numerous solo and group exhibitions, as well as film festivals in Croatia and abroad.

See more http://cargocollective.com/maresuljak https://kkz.hr

Natalija Bračko