

Klaudia Bochniak (Film School in Lodz)
2023, Poland, 6'10''

Toto the tiger escapes from the local circus, causing a commotion in the area. Despite being aware of his presence, a girl living in a nearby city, driven by impulse, decides to leave her home..

Tiger Toto pobegne iz lokalnega cirkusa, kar povzroči razburjenje v okolici. Dekle, ki živi v bližnjem mestu, se kljub temu, da se zaveda njegove prisotnosti impulzivno odloči zapustiti svoj dom.


Language: Polish
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: 2d animation


Script: Klaudia Bochniak
Animation: Klaudia Bochniak
Music: Michał Kociszewski
Voice acting: Antoni Kowarski, Artur Kasprzycki
Distribution: Film School in Lodz


Klaudia Bochniak

born in southern Poland, is an artist concentrated especially on poster design and animated film. She finished the art school in Jarosław and is a graduate of the cinematography department of the Lodz Film School. During her education, she made 5 animated films, including the diploma Toto. Its main theme is to bring out the surrealism of a dream through an unusual approach to perspective and experimentation with sounds and music.

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Natalija Bračko