

Miloš Tomić
2023, Serbia, 5'9''

Onti is an imaginary character. He's a paraphrase of our subconscious. It is both a nightmare and an inseparable part of our being. This short musical video personifies the randomness of feelings, thoughts, events and perceptions related to it.

Onti je izmišljen lik. Je parafraza naše podzavesti. Je hkrati nočna mora in neločljiv del našega obstoja. Ta kratek glasbeni video pooseblja naključnost občutkov, misli, dogodkov in zaznav, povezanih z njo.


Lyrics/ Tekst pesmi/ Besedilo pesmi

Cursed be all the pockets
And the knick-knacks hiding in them
Even that evil ONTI has crept in

Who's been hiding your things for days
What you hold dear, to him is treasure
What you love, he takes by force
What brings you to tears, he seizes
What protects you, feeds him

ONTI jerks
ONTI teases
ONTI chatters
Things are missing

Tekst pesmi

Prokleti bili džepovi svi
I džidžabidže što èuèe po njima
Tu je i ONTI zašao zli
Što stvari ti krije veæ danima

Što tebi drago, njemu blago
Što tebi milo, otima silom
Što tebi mami suze, on uze
To što te brani, njega hrani

ONTI džarka
ONTI draška
ONTI džvanjka
Stvari manjka

Besedilo pesmi

Prekleti naj bodo žepi vsi
in navlaka, ki se valja po njih.
Sem se prikradel tudi Onti je zlobni,
ki že več dni ti skriva stvari.

Kar imaš rad, je za njega zaklad,
vse predmete ljubljene s silo ti vzame,
on ti zaseže, kar v solze te spravlja
in kar te brani, Ontija hrani.

Onti vzame,
Onti draži,
Onti govoriči,
stvari pa izginjajo.

Language: Serbian
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Object animation, Cut-out animation


Miloš Tomić in coordination with music band AB RE
Animation: Miloš Tomić


Miloš Tomić (1976, Belgrade, Serbia)

From the end of Elementary school, he started doodling, coloring, collecting objects from the street and working on them, photographing, writing, improvising music and occasionally he still doing so. Film and animation is in the center of his 30 years passionate work that is around 60 short video forms of all kinds. He is very active in education, as well. More than 100 workshops and masterclasses, lecture performances all around Europe. Films, videos and other artefacts, he presented in numerous festivals and exhibitions with variable success. In 2013 he represented Serbia on Venice Bienalle. Still active. 

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Natalija Bračko