Little Other / Väike teine / Majhen drugi


Andres Tenusaar (Nukufilm)
2024, Estonia, 12'

Two babies are about to be born. One of them is bound to be a regular kid. The other is destined to be a trickster. There's the rub-how to determine which is which, since the birth of identical twins in itself is a trick performed by Nature!

Kmalu se bosta rodila dva otroka. Eden od njiju bo običajen otrok. Drugemu je usojeno, da bo prebrisan. V tem tiči težava – kako določiti, kdo je kdo, saj je rojstvo enojajčnih dvojčkov že samo po sebi prebrisan trik narave!


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No 
Technique: Puppet animation


Script: Andres Tenusaar
Animation: Triin Sarapik-Kivi, Marili Sokk
Music: EETER ( Anna Hints,Ann Reiman, Marja-Liisa Plats)
DOP: Ragnar Neljandi
Producer: Kerdi Oengo
Distribution: Nukufilm


Andres Tenusaar

Andres Tenusaar is a freelance director, animator and video artist acting mostly in his own studio Peata Film. At the same tame he was also an animator and director at Nukufilm Studios during the years of 2000-2023. He has directed ca 40 films and 16 music videos. In addition to films and music videos he has made Animation and videos for theatrical and dance shows, created video mappings and installations. Worked as VJ together with lots of musicians and composed also music to the films.

LITTLE OTHER (Nukufilm, 2023) 12’, director, scriptwriter;
DANCE OF DEATH (Peata Film, 2020) 1’, co-director, co-scriptwriter;
INFINITELY TOGETHER (Nukufilm, Goen, 2019) 3’, director, animator;
(Peata Film, 2018) 7’, scriptwriter, director, animator;
MIRIAM’S HEN’S DREAM (Nukufilm, 2016) 5’, director;
THE WEDDING GAME (Animailm, 2015) 10’, co- director, animator;
MIRIAM’S STRAY DOG (Nukufilm, 2015) 5’, director, animator;
COMBINED VESSELS (Peata Film, 2013) 4 ‘, director, scriptwriter, animator;
(Nukufilm, 2012) 10’, director, scriptwriter.

Natalija Bračko