Father's Letters / Papiny pis'ma, Папины письма / Očetova pisma


Alexey Evstigneev (Moderato, Mimesis)
2024, France, Russia, 12'10''

In 1934, Professor Vangengheim was sentenced to the Gulag on the Solovki. As he pretends to be on a grand voyage of exploration, he crafts imaginative tales in letters to his daughter Eleonora, shielding her from the truth of his sentence as a "traitor to the motherland''.

Leta 1934 profesorja Vangengheima obsodijo na Gulag na Solovkih. Medtem ko se pretvarja, da je na velikem raziskovalnem potovanju, v pismih hčerki Eleonori pripoveduje domišljijske zgodbe in jo ščiti pred resnico, da je bil obsojen kot »izdajalec domovine«.


Language: Russian
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Cut-out animation


Written and directed by Alexey Evstigneev
Animation: Daria Dorofeeva, Iuliia Voitova, Salomé Chatelain, Dmitriy Cherednichenko
Producers: Yanna Buryak, Clémence Crépin Neel, Igor Courtecuisse
Artistic director: Daria Dorofeeva
Editor: Catherine Aladenise 
Sound Editor: Vivien Roche 
Voice Recorder: Xavier Cailleau 
Foley Artist: Jean-Baptiste Cornier
Foley Recorder: Rémi Pelet
Sound Mixer: Régis Diebold
Colorgrader: Valentin Goguet Chapuis
Distribution: MANIFEST


Alexey Evstigneev

born and brought up in Shatura, Russia. Graduated from Documentary Filmmaking at The Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) and Jiri Barta’ s animation atelier of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. His graduation documentary film Golden Buttons premiered at Vision du Réel and won the IDFA Talent Award, before being selected and awarded at numerous festivals around the world. Alexey took also part in the CEE Animation Forum, Euro Connection, IDFA Talent Campus, Visions du Réel Lab, Talent Campus of the Fajr International Film Festival.

Mom's Hair
, 2021;
The Golden Buttons, 2020;
The Track, 2019.

Natalija Bračko