Beautiful Men / Čudoviti moški


Nicolas Keppens (Animal Tank, Miyu Productions, Ka-Ching Cartoons)
2023, Belgium, France, Netherlands, 18'35''

Three balding brothers travel to Istanbul to get a hair transplant. Stuck with each other in a hotel far from home, their insecurities grow faster than their hair.

Trije plešasti bratje odpotujejo v Istanbul na presaditev las. Ko obtičijo drug z drugim v hotelu daleč od doma, njihove negotovosti rastejo hitreje kot njihovi lasje.


Language: German
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation


Animation: Iris ALEXANDRE, Timothée CRABBÉ, Geertrui DE VYLDER, Soetkin VERSTEGEN
Script: Nicolas KEPPENS 
Set: Nicolas KEPPENS
Image: Maxim HECTORS 
Film editor: Nicolas KEPPENS
Rendering: VC STUDIOS
Sound design: Nicolas SNYDER, Vivian WILLIAMS 
Sound engineer: Jan HESSENS 
Sound editor: Jenna TRESIDDER
Production Management: Animal Tank
Distribution: Miyu


Nicolas Keppens

studied film and animation at KASK Ghent and perfected his skills at the film academy of Luca School of Arts Brussels. His credits include the short films Superstars (2012), Wildebeest (2017) and Easter Eggs (2020), an animated short film about finding extraordinary things in ordinary places.

Natalija Bračko