Masashi Kawamura, Iku Ogawa (dwarf, Whatever, TECARAT)
2023, Japan, 5'44''

Stories have been told of a legendary craftsman during the Edo era, by the name of Jingoro Hidari. Having lost his foster parent and right arm to the betrayal of his senior apprentices, Jingoro is on a journey of revenge with a mechanical prosthetic arm and his sidekick, "Sleeping Cat." 

Zgodbe pripovedujejo o legendarnem obrtniku iz obdobja Edo z imenom Jingoro Hidari. Ker je Jingoro zaradi izdaje svojih starejših vajencev izgubil enega izmed krušnih staršev in desno roko, se z mehansko protezo in svojim pomočnikom, »Spečo mačko«, odpravi na pot maščevanja.  


Language: Japanese
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation


Script: Masashi Kawamura, Iku Ogawa
Animation: Kimimasa Inazumi, Shigeru Okada
Sculptor, 3D Character Design
Concept Art: Takeshi Yashiro
Set Design, Set Production
Props Production: Yoshihiro Nose
Special Effects: Isao Takeuchi
DOP, Motion Controller: Kan Sugiki
Lighting Director: Yuichi Kato
Editor: Makoto Hoashi
Sound Effects: Sakura Katsumata
Mixer: Akari Tatsumi
Production Manager: Ayame Uchida
Producers: Noriko Matsumoto, Sachie Aihara, Masaaki Oikawa, Masami Ouchi



is in charge of creating all of our wooden puppets. They're a stop-motion animation studio that has won various awards for films such as GON, THE LITTLE FOX and Norman the Snowman. The animation is filmed by dwarf studios, one of the largest stop-motion animation studio in Japan. They've created renown stop-motion films, such as Komaneko and Rilakkuma and Kaoru. Whatever Co. is a creative studio that our director Masashi Kawamura has co-founded. The team is in charge of the film's script, directing, art direction, and promotions.

See more https://hidari-movie.com

Natalija Bračko