Aquatic / Abzi / Vodno


Shiva Sadegh Asadi
2024, Iran, 5'

A woman's ability to give birth to marine creatures is exploited for commercial purposes.

Ženska sposobnost rojevanja morskih bitij se izkorišča za komercialne namene.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Painting, drawing on paper, traditional cut-out, object animation


Script: Shiva Sadegh Asadi
Animation: Shiva Sadegh Asadi
Music: Amir Pourkhalaji
Sound: Changiz Sayyad
Production and distribution: Shiva Sadegh Asadi


Shiva Sadegh Asad

Born in Tehran in 1983, Shiva is an Iranian painter and filmmaker. Her animated films have been screened and admired worldwide and won awards such as Hiroshima Jury Special Award (2022) and Filmfest Dresden Audience award (2023) for Crab. She gradually developed her early painterly style by combining it with stop motion techniques, using objects and pieces of paper to create deformed shapes and fragmented space. She describes her paintings as the most inspiring source for her animated films. In both her paintings and films, she focuses on humanity’s inner self, dealing with themes such as dreams, dark fantasies, femininity, abuse, family, relationship and animal symbols as metaphors. 

The Kitten, 2013;
Maned and Macho, 2017;
Crab, 2020;
Black Sateen, 2021;
White Sateen, 2022;
Stain, 2022;
Aquatic, 2024.

Natalija Bračko