Yellow Minute / Žuta minuta
Collective (The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek)
2023, Croatia, 8'26''
No one knows when the yellow minute will come and knock on the door, but maybe it's not just one, maybe there are more.
Nihče ne ve, kdaj bo žuta minuta potrkala na vrata, ampak morda pa ni le ena, morda jih je več.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film
Directors: Ana Perić, Ines Čižmešija, Ana Marija Kovačević, Ivana Biki, Josipa Jakobović, Dorija Lilion, Zoe Špehar
Music: Vladimir Sokačić, Božidar Trkulja, Ana Perić
Artistic supervision: Božidar Trkulja