Dacha / Dača
Iryna Babanina (Academy Of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague)
2023, Czech Republic, 2'18''
Sometimes we all miss our homes. The places which fill us with happiness and warm feelings. My country house has an image of the intangible safe space built of memories.
Vsi kdaj pogrešamo dom. Kraj, ki nas napolni s srečo in toplino. Moj vikend na podeželju ima podobo neotipljivega varnega prostora, zgrajenega iz spominov.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: cut-out animation
Animation: Iryna Babanina
Music: Darja Kukal Moiseeva
Producer: Michaela Režová
Iryna Babanina
is a Ukrainian student in illustration and animation. Since 2020 - a student of the National academy of fine arts and architecture in Kyiv, Ukraine, since April 2022 - an internship student in the studio of Film and TV Graphics at UMPRUM, Prague, Czechia. During 2009 - 2017 was studying in the Kharkiv art school. The artist works primarily with traditional graphic techniques, implying them into book illustration. Preferred fields in animation are drawing animation and stop-motion.