Violet Noise / Vijolični hrup
Leonor Lavradio, Stefania Balzarotti, Matthew Joyce (Bau Design College of Barcelona)
2022, Spain, 5'18''
In front of an infinite staff, young Violet is doing her best to give her contribution to a great musical composition, until she creates something “wrong”. Scared of being judged, she tries to hide it away.
Vpričo neskončnega števila zaposlenih se mlada Violet trudi po najboljših močeh, doprinesti svoj del k veliki glasbeni kompoziciji, dokler ne ustvari nečesa »napačnega«. V strahu pred tem, da bi jo obsojali, skuša svoje delo skriti.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film, object animation, mixed
Animation: Leonor Lavradio, Stefania Balzarotti, Matthew Joyce
Music: Jaime Lavradio
Producer: Lucas Clayton