Still Life with Woman, Tea and Letter / Stil leven met vrouw, thee en brief / Tihožitje z žensko, čajem in pismom


Tess Martin (Volya Films)

2022, The Netherlands, 2'14''

A photograph is a window into the past, but sometimes the border between the past and the present is not entirely clear. This stop-motion animation invites us to think about our relationship to time by portraying one woman caught in the middle.

Fotografija je okno v preteklost, a včasih meja med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo ni povsem jasna. Ta stop animacija nas vabi k razmisleku o našem odnosu do časa skozi portret ženske, ujete v sredini.

Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: pixilation, mixed

Written and directed: Tess Martin
Animation: Marike Verbiest
Music: Jorick Bronius
Director Of Photography: Matija Pekić
Producers: Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin
Distribution: Bonobostudio

Tess Martin

is a filmmaker/visual artist based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her work is informed by hand-made animation techniques and their potential to explore the human condition. Persistent themes are our place in nature, our relationship to the past, and how memory and perception inform identity. She creates short films, interactive installations and paintings/prints.

Natalija Bračko