The Old Hag and the Crow / La vieja y el cuervo / Stara vešča in vrana


María Lucía Bayardo Dodge (Morenike)

2022, México, 5'55''

Playing hide and seek with her friends, Larisa hides on top of a tree. She hears a squeak; an old hag is opening the window of her old house. Suddenly, a crow flies to the parapet and gives something to the old hag…

Pri igranju skrivalnic s prijateljicami se Larisa skrije na drevo. Zasliši cviljenje; neka stara vešča odpira okno svoje stare hiše. Naenkrat na okensko polico prileti vrana in vešči nekaj da …

Recommended for children under 14: no
Technique: puppet film

Written and directed: María Lucía Bayardo Dodge
Animation: Mayreni Senior Sada, María Lucía Bayardo Dodge, Luis Téllez (guest)
Music: Andrés Haro

María Lucía Bayardo Dodge

studied Mass communications at ITESO and short term screenwriting, fiction and documentary workshop at CAAV. She has published 34 children and young adult stories and the novels of Jabari. She has a marionette company, studied with a Czech teacher. This is her first animation film. The film has won 15 international film festivals so far and has been selected to other festivals.

Natalija Bračko