Such Miracles Do Happen / Takie cuda się zdarzają / Taki čudeži se le dogajajo


Barbara Rupik (Film School Lodz)

2022, Poland, 14'

One day, all the statues in the area come to life. They leave the roadside shrines and pedestals and calmly set off straight ahead, all in the same direction. They do not even stop for a moment. People watch the phenomenon with growing anxiety.

Nekega dne oživijo vsi kipi v areni. Zapustijo obcestne hramove in piedestale in se mirno odpravijo naprej, vsi v isto smer. Niti za trenutek se ne ustavijo. Ljudje opazujejo ta fenomen s čedalje večjo anksioznostjo.

Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: Puppet film, object animation, mixed

Written, directed, animated, and music: Barbara Rupik
Distribution: Krakow Film Foundation

Barbara Rupik

is an animated film director specializing in puppet and mixed media techniques. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice and the Polish National Film,Television and Theatre School in Lodz. Her filmography includes a short film "The Little Soul" (2019), which won the 3rd Prize in the Cinéfondation competition at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival. She is also the author of stop-motion segments for a feature film „The Silent Twins” (2022), directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska.

Natalija Bračko