Remember How I Used To Ride A White Horse / Sjeti Se Kako Sam Jahala Bijelog Konja / Spomni se, kako sem jahala belega konja


Ivana Bošnjak Volda, Thomas Johnson Volda (Kreativni Sindikat)

2022, Croatia, 9'57''

Time continuously elapses, apathy can trap consciousness into a loop. Escaping this stagnation one can discover the true beauty of existence.

Čas neprestano teče, zavest pa se lahko ujame v zanko apatije. Pri izhodu iz te stagnacije lahko odkrijemo pravo lepoto obstoja.

Recommended for children under 14: no
Technique: puppet film

Written, directed, and animated: Ivana Bošnjak Volda, Thomas Johnson Volda
Music: Hrvoje Nikšić
Director Of Photography: Ivan Slipčević
Editing: Iva Kraljević
Producer: Igor Grubić
Distribution: Bonobostudio

Ivana Bošnjak Volda

has been involved in various stop motion projects across Europe, and has led animation workshops for children and students.

Thomas Johnson Volda

is a multidisciplinary artist often combining animation and performance, and has created puppet performances at many festivals. Together they co-directed three award-winning stop-animation short films.

Natalija Bračko