Money and Happiness / O denarju in sreči


Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr. (Film House Baš Čelik, Finta Film, B FILM)

2022, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, 9'51''

The hamsters live and work in Hamsterland, a perfect state with a perfect economy. The GDP grows steadily, there is no unemployment, and 100 % of the population declare themselves to be happy.

Hrčki živijo in delajo v Hrčeklandiji, popolni državi s popolnim gospodarstvom. Njihov BDP vztrajno raste, brezposelnosti ni in 100 % prebivalstva trdi, da je srečnih.

Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: clay animation

Animation: Ana NEDELJKOVIĆ, Leon VIDMAR, Nikola MAJDAK JR.
Music: Dušan PETROVIĆ
Narrator: Maša Mileusnić
Image: Ana NEDELJKOVIĆ (art director), Nikola MAJDAK (DoP)
Special effects: Vladan OBRADOVIĆ, Ivan PRIBIĆEVIĆ
Film editor: Milina TRIŠIĆ
Sound engineer, sound editing, and mix: Julij ZORNIK
Producers: Jelena Mitrović (Film House Baš Čelik), Tina Smrekar (Finta Film), Peter Badač (B FILM)
Distribution: Miyu

Ana Nedeljković

was born in Belgrade in 1978. She graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She was awarded a PhD in art practice at the same faculty. She is a visual artist, director, animator and educator.

Nikola Majdak Jr.

was born in Slovenia in 1972. He has an MFA from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, camera department. For the past 20 years he has been a freelance cameraman, animator, director and lecturer.

Their first film "Rabbitland" (2013) was awarded the Crystal Bear at the Berlinale. It has received numerous other awards and has been shown at more than a hundred festivals worldwide. Their second film Untravel (2018) was screened at Berlinale, Annecy and Sundance, nominated for the Annie Award and received numerous awards. “Money and Happiness” is their third film. At present they are working on project development for their first animated feature film “New Rabbitland”. Working within their own studio, they also make many commercial animation projects as well as conducting workshops in animation.

Natalija Bračko