Skinned / Écorchée / Odrta


Joachim Hérissé (Komadoli Studio)

2022, France, 15'

In an old building, lost in the middle of the swamp, live two strange women, Siamese twins by one leg. At night, the Flayed has terrifying nightmares in which she sees her sister's flesh covering her own body…

V stari stavbi, izgubljeni sredi močvirja, živita nenavadni ženski: siamski dvojčici, povezani z eno nogo. Ponoči tlačijo odrto sestro grozljive nočne more, kjer njeno telo prekriva sestrino meso ...

Recommended for children under 14: no
Technique: puppet film

Written, directed, and animated: Joachim Hérissé
Music: Antoine DUCHENE
Puppets: Aline BORDEREAU
Set: Sonia GRANDAME, Joachim HERISSE
Image: Simon FILLIOT
Film editor: Catherine ALADENISE, Joachim HERISSE
Sound engineer: Valentin FAYAUD
Sound editor: Nicolas BESSE
Mix: Aurélien BONY
Producers: Joachim Hérissé, Augusto Zanovello, Stéphanie Launay
Distribution: Miyu


is a self-taught animator, author and director. Since 2000, he has been working as a 3D animator in special effects and animation studios in Paris. In 2005, he directed his first cut-out animation series for Canal + Jeunesse. Passionate about stop-motion animation, he started in 2010 to work as an author on short films and series. He was awarded several writing grants. In 2015, he created the production company Komadoli Studio, specialised in stop-motion animation. "Skinned" is his first short film, in stop motion, produced in partnership with Arte. He is currently working on Dolls, a series project based on the universe of Skinned and on his first 2D feature film project, The stone. Filmography: Ecorchée, court métrage, Komadoli Studio – 2022 / Dolls, série TV 13 x 13’ en développement, Komadoli Studio – 2022 / Le Caillou, long-métrage 2D en développement, Komadoli Studio – 2021 / Ramos&Bizet, pilote de série TV stopmotion de 3’- Komadoli Studio – 2017-2018 (réalisateur) / Les Chevaliers de Basse Cour , spécial TV de 52’ en développement – Komadoli Studio –2016-2017 / Libério, court-métrage en développement – Komadoli Studio – 2015 (auteur) Pr.Rugby, pilote de série TV stopmotion de 1’– La Boîte – 2013-2014 / Bama le caïman, court-métrage 2D de 10’ – Jurubeba – 2011-2012 / Un drôle d’animal, série TV 52x3’ – Le regard sonore – 2006-2010 / Moko, enfant du monde, série TV 52x5’ – Le regard sonore –2008-2009. Sélectionnée au festivals d’Annecy, Amiens, Holland animation festival.

Natalija Bračko