The Family Portrait / Družinski portret


Lea Vidaković (Adriatic Animation, Vivement Lundi!, Biberche Productions)

2023, Croatia, France, Serbia, 14'

A quiet Sunday afternoon in the aristocratic, family home, just before the fall of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Andras and his daughter Zsofia are caught by surprise when Andras’ brother Zoltan intrudes in the intimacy of their home, along with his big family.

Tiho nedeljsko popoldne v aristokratskem družinskem domu, tik pred padcem Avstro-Ogrske. Andrasa in njegovo hči Zsofio preseneti Andrasov brat Zoltan, ko s svojo veliko družino vdre v intimo njunega doma.

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film

Animation: Marion Le Guillou, Bilitis Levillain, Violette Delvoye
Puppets: Lea Vidakovic
Producers: Drasko Ivezic (Adriatic Animation), Jean Francois Le Corre (Vivement Lundi!), Nikolina Vucetic Zecevic (Biberche Productions)
Distribution: Varicoloured

Lea Vidaković

is a multimedia artist, who works in the field of animated installations, expanded media practices and traditional puppet animation. Her research interests include fragmented narratives and storytelling approaches for animated installations, expanded cinema and storytelling. She has exhibited internationally on numerous exhibitions, on more than 200 animation festivals, and is a winner of several art and film awards. She works as an assistant professor at Lusofona University in Lisbon.

Natalija Bračko