In Side / Znotraj


Anita Kwiatkowska-naqvi, Piotr Matysiak (Film School Lodz, Vnlab S3d)

2023, Poland, 17'53''

Jan is a man trapped in the world of his own limitations who experiences a critical moment. Although he plays with life every day, going over the balcony railing with his morning coffee and thinking about jumping down, it is only the world of a labyrinth he suddenly encounters that forces him to truly confront himself.

Jan je ujetnik lastnih omejitev, ki doživi kritičen trenutek. Čeprav se vsak dan igra z življenjem, ko z jutranjo kavo v roki spleza čez balkonsko ograjo in razmišlja o skoku v globino, se resnično sooči sam s sabo šele, ko nenadoma naleti na svet labirinta.

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Techniques: stereoscopic puppet film

Script: Anita Kwiatkowska-naqvi, Piotr Matysiak, Marta Chyła-janicka
Lead Animator: Bartosz Kotarski
2nd Lead Animator: Piotr Ficner
2nd Unit Animators: Anna Polińska, Alicja Adamska
Music: Sebastian Ładyżyński
Stereographer: MiŁosz Hermanowicz
Distribution: Anna Waszczuk

Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi

born in 1986 in Cracow, animation graduate and PhD student at Lodz Film School, Poland. In her short films she takes a novel approach to traditional animation techniques, using unusual materials to create hypnotising, poetic worlds.


Piotr Matysiak

cinematographer, director. He graduated from Lodz Film School - Direction of Photography - in 2014. Currently he is a PhD student there. An author of features, documantaries, animation, TV programmes. Licensed scuba diver, underwater cinematographer.

Natalija Bračko