

Aneta Siurnicka (UAP Poznań)

2021, Poland, 2'45''

Visualizing the search for a primal nature inside oneself and the idea of returning to the roots. Through the dance, the character enters another dimension and changes its form.

Vizualizacija iskanja prvinske narave znotraj samega sebe in ideja vračanja h koreninam. Lik skozi ples preide v drugo dimenzijo in spremeni obliko.

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film

Written, directed, and animated: Aneta Siurnicka
Music: Kacper Krupa

Aneta Siurnicka

is an animator from Poland. She studies at the University of Arts in Poznan. She's in love with creating little worlds full of colors, textures, and emotions. She enjoys using a wide range of techniques, from stop-motion to computer and mixed-media animation.

Natalija Bračko