Composition of Existing Experiences / Kompozycja z przeżyć istniejących / Kompozicija obstoječih izkušenj
Joanna Szlembarska (Liaokon)
2023, Poland, 7'25''
The couple spends the night together. The woman moves freely around the apartment, the only interior inaccessible to her is her partner's painting studio.
Par skupaj preživi noč. Ona se prosto premika po stanovanju, edini prostor, do katerega ne more dostopati, je slikarski atelje njenega partnerja.
Recommended for children under 14: no
Technique: puppet film
Written and directed: Joanna Szlembarska
Animation: Anna Polińska, Joanna Szlembarska
Music: Joanna Szczęsnowicz
Producers: Anna Mroczek, Justyna Rucinska, Wojciech Leszczynski
Joanna Szlembarska
is a director, animator, graduate of the Lodz Film School. In her films she most often uses stop motion animation, her favorite technique is puppet animation, due to the "corporeality" of the medium. The theme of her works is the anxiety accompanying human sexuality. The aesthetics of her animation are minimalist, monochromatic but give the impression of being monumental.