Konec igre / Endgame


Weronika Szyma (Film School Lodz) 
2022, Poland, 8'

V vicah se bojujeta mečevalca, ki sta za večno ujeta v svojem boju. Prazna stavba, eno samo drevo in stare stene, porisane z grafiti. Animirani poklon Samuelu Beckettu.

In the purgatory, there is a fight between two fencers who are endlessly stuck in their battle. An empty building, a single tree and old walls covered with graffiti. An animated homage to Samuel Beckett.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Pixilation
Language: English

Scriptwriter: Weronika Szyma
Animators: Weronika Szyma, Urszula Domańska
Music: Damian Czajka
DOP: Thomas Gronenberg
Editing: Filip Dziuba
Cast: Oktawian Jurczykowski, Michał Siodła

Weronika Szyma

Lucie Tran is studying at EMCA following a DMA Illustration. After shooting Attraction (2022) co-directed with Aurélie Dejean-Servières, she went for 3 months in Mexico for an internship with León Fernandez to work on puppets. She is currently directing her graduation movie A Frozen Woman. Aurélie is studying at EMCA in Angoulême. There, she co-directed various short-films, such as Camille et Polenta (2020), Ce Midi C’est Pizza (2021) et ATTRACTION (2022), the last in collaboration with Lucie TRAN.

Natalija Bračko