Bežen pogled / Glimpse / Zuo dun lueying (佐敦掠影)
Leung Cyrus, Ty Lok Yi Scarlett, Kwan Sin Ching Angel (City University of Hong Kong)
2022, Hong Kong, 1'10''
V hongkonški soseski Jordan je toliko starin in kulture, da v enem samem trenutku ni možno z očesom ujeti vsega bistva tradicionalnih obrti. Film prikazuje lepoto starega Hong Konga ob bežnem pogledu na tekstil, keramiko, slike in kipce.
With the abundance of antiques and culture in Jordan, you can only see so much of the essence of traditional craftsmanship in a blink of an eye. This film showcases the beauty of old Hong Kong, all in a glimpse of textiles, flasks, paintings and statuettes.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Mixed
No dialogues
Animators: Leung Cyrus, Ty Lok Yi Scarlett, Kwan Sin Ching Angel
Music: Leung Cyrus
Leung Cyrus, Ty Lok Yi Scarlett, Kwan Sin Ching Angel
Cyrus's art projects have been shown in places including Tai Kwun Hong Kong, Korea, and the United States. Apart from visual arts, she is also a multi-instrumentalist and sound designer. Ty Lok Yi explores her knowledge from traditional hand-drawn art to code generative art during her study. Her projects have been showcased at Tai Kwun Hong Kong and West Kowloon Freespace. With great interest in experimental video, Angel aims to express her ideas through moving images. She is currently collaborating with the Hong Kong Tourism Board to promote Hong Kong culture and tourism.