Privlačnost / Attraction


Lucie Tran, Aurélie Dejean-Servieres (EMCA)
2022, France, 3'12''

Moški vstopi v igralnico, da bi zapeljal žensko z imenom Circe, ki stoji pred avtomati z ročico za lovljenje igračk. Rad bi ujel plišastega prašička in jo navdušil, vendar mu nikakor ne uspe.

A man walks into an arcade in order to seduce a woman named Circe, who’s standing in front of claw machines. He tries to impress her by catching a pig plush, but keeps failing.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Mixed
Language: French

Scriptwriters: Lucie Tran, Aurélie Dejean-servieres
Animators: Tran Lucie, Dejean-servières Aurélie
Music: George Power, Aim To Head, Señor B

Lucie Tran, Aurélie Dejean-Servieres

Lucie Tran is studying at EMCA following a DMA Illustration. After shooting Attraction (2022) co-directed with Aurélie Dejean-Servières, she went for 3 months in Mexico for an internship with León Fernandez to work on puppets. She is currently directing her graduation movie A Frozen Woman. Aurélie is studying at EMCA in Angoulême. There, she co-directed various short-films, such as Camille et Polenta (2020), Ce Midi C’est Pizza (2021) et ATTRACTION (2022), the last in collaboration with Lucie TRAN.

Natalija Bračko