Wall Unit / Meblościanka / Stenska enota

Joanna Polak
2021, POL, 9'47''


A ramshackle wall unit is a symbol of the monotonous life of a certain 40-year-old man living in a district of dirty, grey, post-communist blocks of flats. Right after his birthday, suffering from the midlife crisis, the man decides to change his dull and routine-based existence. Unfortunately, his wife stands in the way.

Razpadla stenska enota je simbol monotonega življenja nekega 40-letnika, ki živi v sivi, umazani postkomunistični četrti. Moški, ki trpi zaradi krize srednjih let, se takoj po rojstnem dnevu odloči spremeniti svoj dolgočasni in rutinski obstoj. A žal ga žena pri tem ovira.


Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Puppet animation
Language: Polish

Script: Joanna Polak
Music: Mariusz Ostański
Animation: Joanna Polak
Production and Distribution: Joanna Polak

Joanna Polak


Director and Animator. Joanna Polak is a director of more than 100 animated films of which more than 30 were made with and for children. Her animations, video installations, photographs, sculptures and paintings were presented at more than 800 exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Australia, South Africa, USA, South America and Asia, as well as at various TV channels in Europe, China and USA. The artist won 61 awards and distinctions worldwide, including Poland, Belarus, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Serbia, India and USA. Born in Lublin, Poland, she is a graduate of the Department of Multimedia Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. In 2003 she defended her MA diploma specialising in animated film. In 2011 she received her PhD of fine arts in film animation at Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin (UMCS). In 2019 she received her habilitation at Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. She was given the title of professor at Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw (PJAIT). As a lecturer at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Polish- Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, she specialises in animated film.


Natalija Bračko