The Song of the Whales / Pesem kitov
Žoel Kastelic (Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana)
2021, SLO, 2'56''
The synchronized movements of the whale and the diver plunging into the sub-aquatic world show the human bond with nature, reminding us that we are becoming less and less aware of this connection.
Sinhronizirano gibanje kita in potapljačice, ki se potapljata v podvodni svet, kaže človeško vez z naravo in nas opominja, da se te povezave čedalje manj zavedamo.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Clay animation
No dialogues
Script and Animation: Žoel Kastelic
Production: Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana
Distribution: Žoel Kastelic
Žoel Kastelic
Born in Ljubljana 1995. Student of Video and New Media at Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana. Since 2015 she is creating short independent animated films, which were screened in Slovenia and abroad. Animation The Feathers That Smell of The Sea won special mention from DSAF for student animated film in 2019 and recognition award from Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana.